Thursday, November 26, 2015


Chere famille,

We're allowed to send y'all a quick email on this wonderful Thanksgiving Day! It's pretty chilly here at the MTC but we are filled with gratitude and with the Spirit today. We just heard from Elder Dallin H. Oaks and his wife at the Thanksgiving Devotional. They gave wonderful messages about being grateful in all situations and for all things, but especially for Heavenly Father's plan of salvation, for our Savior, Jesus Christ, and His Atoning sacrifice for all of us, and for the Gospel, which brings us salvation. I am also grateful for you, my awesome family! I hope you're enjoying Thanksgiving even though we're all in different places and time zones. I hope you're all FaceTiming today and sharing the day with each other through the wonderful technology God has blessed us with. And I hope you take the time today to thank our Heavenly Father for His many blessings in your lives. I miss you all and I love you so much! 

I'm grateful for my testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I want to share it with you in French. (Just btw, I don't know how to do accents on this computer, so it won't all be correct (plus I'm not perfect at French), but you can figure it out :))

Je sais que Dieu est notre Pere Celeste. Nous sommes ses enfants. Dieu nous aime beaucoup! Je sais que Jesus-Christ est le Sauveur du monde. Je sais qu'il est mon Sauveur personel. Je suis reconnaissante de l'Evangile de Jesus-Christ dans ma vie. Je sais qu'elle est le moyen seule pour nous retourner vers Dieu et pour nous devenir comme lui. Je suis reconnaissante pour vous, ma famille! Je sais que nous vivrons ensemble a jamais quand nous suivons l'Evangile et quand nous nous ameliorons chaque jour. 

[Translation: I know that God is our Heavenly Father. We are his children. God loves us so much! I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. I know He is my Savior. I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. I know it is the only way to return to God and become like him. I am grateful to you, my family! I know we will live together forever when we follow the gospel and when we improve ourselves every day.]

Je vous aime beaucoup!!! Bon Thanksgiving!!

Soeur Matheson

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