Haha, bonjour ma famille!
Sorry for all of the confusion with my
emails. Today is P-day and my usual email day, so plan on that! Last week the
myldsmail.net site stopped working while we were doing our emails, so that's why I
just disappeared last week. It was sad :( But I'm here now! :) And I'm really excited to SKYPE!!! Finally!
It's still set for 4 pm Saturday my time and Friday at 9 pm for
y'all! :)
This weekend, we had stake conference and it
was awesome. Elder Lynn G. Robbins from the Presidency of the 70 came,
and Elder Haleck and Sister Haleck from the Pacific Area authorities. We had a
meeting with them just as missionaries and that was really great. All their
messages during the stake meeting was exactly what this stake needs to
hear--obedience and sacrifice to build the kingdom! It was kinda weird though
because Elder Robbins looked SUPER white but that's because he hasn't been
living on an island ahah but in the US in winter! Anyway, it was a really cool
opportunity to meet them this weekend. My testimony of the fact that the Authorities are called of God to preach the Gospel was strengthened as they
spoke about the needs of the stake and as they answered people's questions by
the Spirit!
All of the missionaries on New Caledonia with the visiting General Authority and Area President |
This week we FINALLY got to see the amis [investigators]
that we hadn't seen in weeks! We saw Manu and Marie-Christine and we also
re-started teaching an old ami Vaihere. And we got to see a couple who’s an
inactive married with a recent convert. They've been struggling a bit, and it's
great to be able to help them by inviting them to base their family life on the
With all of these amis, they had been feeling
the lack of the Gospel in their lives. Now that we've been able to see them,
they've been able to realize the difference that the Gospel makes in our lives.
It brings so much peace and happiness. Sometimes we need to face a period of
time without that so that we can really appreciate it. Opposition in all things
makes us seek after the good! So these amis are doing better.
Marie-Christine has a baptismal date for June
11 and our ami Moise is getting baptized June 4 (btw he had his
interview with President over the phone and everything's good to go!) Moise
really wants to get baptized, but he keeps getting scared and stressed that
he's not ready because he doesn't know enough, and he doesn't know if he's
ready to give up everything. But he thinks in extremes, and last night we were
able to talk to him about how he can still go fishing and live his life after
he's baptized--he's not gonna be a nun or a monk or whatever! haha Anyway, he
really is ready for baptism, and we all know he's gonna be a great leader in
the church--he already wants to help inactives come back!
Last week we had our district activity at the
Gorge de Dumbea. We ate breakfast together at a park and then went on our
randonnee (hike) up to the gorge. It was so beautiful and makes you really [sad]
that you're not allowed to swim… Someday I'll have to come back just so I
can swim in the gorge :)
The day after that, we had another reunion de
zone [zone meeting] in Bourail! The APs were here and it was to prepare us for
the Authorities who were coming. The meeting was great, and after we went back
to la baie des tortues [Turtle Bay]. This time we actually saw a sea turtle, so
the place lives up to it's name! It was really fun driving, and I didn't get
stuck behind any camions [trucks]--smooth sailing the whole time!
Oh yeah, the change in dress for sisters!
That's a real thing, and it will be put into place in our mission. Sister
Granger wants us, the STLs, to help her see how it's going to work here in New
Caledonia and how much of a need there is. Honestly, I don't think there's much need
in New Cal because the mosquitoes aren't really a problem, but I do like the
idea of getting to wear maxi skirts! The other thing is that we can wear wide-brimmed
hats and sunglasses :) In New Cal there's not a big need for hats either...
haha but yeah, I think pants would be too hot anywhere. [The Church changed the dress policy for both elders and sisters serving in areas with mosquitoes, due to mosquito-born diseases.]
It's actually getting cold here, and yesterday
I wore a cardigan! At night it gets pretty cold and having a long skirt would
be nice, haha :) Sorry, mom, that we cut those two maxi skirts, but they've
been awesome. I wear them all the time!
I've been a little sicky this week. I think
it's because it's getting colder, but it's passing now! Don't worry!
I'm going to finish my email right now so that
I have time to send more pics! Je vous aime! See you Saturday!
Soeur Matheson
Us with our recent convert Soeur Tetuira, and her friend with our tarte au citron! |
La tarte au citron--c'etait delicieuse! |
Les poissons that Moise gave us! il aime aller a la peche! [The fish that Moise gave us. He likes to go fishing!] |
la gorge de Dumbea |
la gorge de Dumbea |
la gorge de Dumbea |
les elders s'amusent [the elders amuse/entertain us] |
Soeur Vogel is "Ariel the little mermaid" |
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