Tuesday, July 19, 2016

20 July 2016 - Week 36: Little Miracles

Bonjour tout le monde!

Our district has experienced some miracles this week! The sisters in Dumbea Sur Mer have an ami who is planning on getting baptized in August, the Elders of Dumbea now have a car (it's a must to have a car in Dumbea because it's a HUGE secteur) that is a yellow Juke, which Sœur Flake nicknamed the "Pikajuke," AND we have a new ami that is progressing and that we're going to invite to be baptized in August!

The ami is named William and he's a friend of the Guidi family in the ward. He's been coming to Church for a little while now, but we didn't push him to take the lessons because we were waiting for him to ask us. And guess what! He finally did! Haha, it helps that he and Moise started talking at Church and, because Moise is a super member missionary, he really talked up the missionary lessons to William. We've taught William every day so far this week, and we'll teach him every day (besides today cuz it's P-day and we need a break). He's progressing really fast and he understands everything really fast. It helps that he's already read the whole Book of Mormon and now he's re-reading it more in depth, and he's read the whole Principles of the Gospel book, and he reads all the brochures we give him. He says he doesn't like reading buuuuuuuttttt that's a lie, haha. And he's already quit smoking, drinking, and drinking coffee. He's literally a golden investigator, and he could be baptized tomorrow. But we're not gonna push too much because he wants to be sure about everything, but he's already told us multiple times that he knows the Church is true. He already refers to it as "our Church" not "your Church" like other amis do up until they get baptized. Yeah, he's a miracle!

On Thursday, we had a conference with the Grangers and we (finally) watched the Worldwide Missionary Broadcast that everyone was talking about in January, haha. It's a really good broadcast and, comme d'hab, [as always] I was super motivated to get out there and work after the conference!

On Friday, we went to visit this inactive sister that another member had told us about. We taught her and talked with her and she wants to come back to church. Awesome! But then we looked in the ward list, and she's not there. And we talked to the ward clerk to search for her in the records for the stake, and she's not there. Meaning she's not a member. WHAT. This is why we stress the fact that we are a Church of ORDER because when there's not order, people get lost. So we need to figure out what went wrong with her membership record... And yesterday, we heard that the missionaries in the past didn't always send in the baptismal records to be put in to the system, so maybe her record got lost somewhere... Oh man! Craziness!

Other than that, things are going well here in the great VPVM! Sorry, I'm out of time to write! Talk to you all next week!

Tal Toul!
Sœur Matheson

P.S. sorry for the lack of pics I know you all hate me for not sending pics............. :)

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