Bonjour famille!!
I'm really sorry but
this email is gonna be short. Nothing too exciting happened this week....
We went out
contacting every day comme d'hab [as usual] but no one wanted to talk to us. We
tried going up to Trois Vallees, this nicer neighborhood in our area just to
see what it was like. It's full of French and Caldoche people who were not very
interested in hearing the Gospel (or very nice about telling us
"no"). We met and talked to a few other nicer people in Nogouta, but
they were either Protestant or Catholic and not interested at all.
It's been a little
rough contacting-wise this week and even harder to get the contacts we do have
to turn into actual amis [investigators]. We have this contact named Kathy who
has been in a lesson or two with the soeurs in Magenta with their ami and
apparently she knows it's all true, but we've never met her. She's cancelled
the rendez-vous [appointment] every time. She told us she'd come to church on
Sunday, but she didn't. We're praying every day that we can see her enfin
[finally] and we're keeping up hope! It's a little like that with a few other
contacts, too.
On Monday, we decided
to try riding our bikes to Savannah, a part of our secteur that's pretty far
away. It was hot and a lot harder than we thought it'd be, so we ended up
feeling a little sick and sat in the grass for a break. We didn't get to do
much in Savannah while we were there, but we definitely want to try again, probably
in the morning when it's cooler. I also just need to get used to riding a bike
'cause ca fait mal [it hurts]! haha
Our converti recent
Simon has pretty much fallen off the wagon completely. He's drinking and
smoking again and has only come to church once since his baptism. Simon got
baptized too fast, but he was the one who set the date and wanted it, so the
soeurs here before just did their best to prepare him, but now he's not doing
too well. He thinks he's doing fine, but he really just doesn't have a
testimony or understand the covenant he made. We need to help him gain a
testimony and also to have friends at church to help him stay on the path.
Moise is coming to our lesson with him tomorrow, and I hope it'll help!
The good news is that
the members in our area are super duper nice and feed us and always offer their
help--to give us rides places and to come work with us. We also had a really
great coin de feu missionnaire [missionary fireside] on Sunday night. The
Spirit was really strong and the members were really motivated to do missionary
work. We gave them all Books of Mormon to give out and they're excited. The
Dumbea ward is really great—all the leaders and auxiliaries are awesome, and I
know the work will pick up more and more with all the hard work that everyone
is doing.
I know this email was
kinda full of negative news, but I do want you to know that la vie est belle
quand meme [life is beautiful all the same]! I love my mission. I love my
companion. I love this area. I'm just working on patience and diligence. I know
that Heavenly Father is there for me. He hears and answers my prayers, and He
sends me the Spirit to comfort and encourage me. I know that this is the true
Church on the earth. The gospel is true! The Book of Mormon is true! Life isn't
easy, but it's A LOT easier when we have faith in Christ because He helps us
through it all.
Bonne semaine! [have
a good week]
Bisous! [kisses]
Soeur Matheson
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